Hopeman Kirk

Hopeman Kirk, Farquhar Street, Hopeman IV30 5SL

From the West
Take the B9012 from Burghead through Cummingston into the village of Hopeman.
From the South and East
Take the B9012 from Elgin or the B9040 from Lossiemouth into the village of Hopeman. When in the middle of Hopeman, turn northwards down Harbour Street then second left into Farquhar Street. The Church is located about 150 yards on the left.

Directions on a map
Hopeman Kirk Exterior
Inside Hopeman Kirk

Hopeman village was granted its charter in 1852 and within five years the kirk in Hopeman had been built and dedicated. Originally a daughter church of Burghead Free Church of Scotland, it became part of the United Free Church of Scotland in 1901 and then, by the union of 1929, part of the Church of Scotland.
It is interesting to note that the tower and clock are not owned by the Kirk but by the village, having been gifted to the village in 1923 by Innes Cameron, an Elgin distiller as the Kirk at that time was part of the United Free Church of Scotland, and therefore, teetotal.

This is the largest of the three kirks in the parish and has some wonderful stained glass windows created by an artist at Pluscarden Abbey. As in the other kirks, the pulpit is central but, unlike Duffus, is on the west wall.